First off, we've now gotten our web access resolved -- it turned out that both our Cradlepoint router AND our Verizon USB 727 cellular modem had failed, so we had to replace both of them. Fortunately, they were both under warranty, and we've now got replacements and all is working again. I suspect that they are a bit more sensitive to heat than we'd realized, even though the router is rated for 50 degrees Celsius -- the cabinet that they're installed in does get a bit warm. I've been unable to find any operating temperature specifications for the modem, but I'll be trying to figure out some ventilation for the cabinet that they're installed in to see if that makes any difference.
But, on to other happenings . . . . we decided a couple of weeks ago to take a "three day weekend" and go over to Wyoming to visit the area where I'd grown up, but hadn't been through for 15 years. Our family had moved from Montana to Worland, Wyoming in the early 50's, and I'd attended grade school and junior high school there. In 1961 we moved 30 miles away to Basin, Wyoming, where I completed high school.
With the exception of a class reunion in 1994 (see evidence below),
we'd not been to the Big Horn Basin area in north central Wyoming since my parents moved from there in the mid-80s -- and, since we were only about 275 miles away here in the Black Hills, we thought it would be fun to take a quick run back there and see the area, and some of my classmates who still lived there.
We made a couple of phone calls to friends in the area who I'd seen 15 years ago, and made plans to get together. During our short stay, we managed to make contact with quite a number of old friends (meaning that in the best way!) : Bill and Kathy S., Virginia B., Kathie N., and Mike H. in Worland -- and with Don and Cheri R., and Doug C. in Basin (we didn't want to publish their last names to respect their privacy). Overall, we had a great time seeing people and places which we hadn't been in touch with for a long time -- and a great thanks to all of you and your hospitality!!
We're now back working at Custer State Park, and making plans for the crush of park visitors we'll be getting during the annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. We'll be working some overtime to accommodate the over 60,000 riders who are expected to visit the park -- the estimates for Sturgis are for over 500,000.
We're expecting that things will slow down after mid-August (and they better since we'll be losing about 13 gate attendants by the end of August). Hopefully we'll get to take in some of the attractions that we didn't get to earlier in the season, as well as get in some bike rides and hikes that we've planned.
On a final (and equally frivolous) note, we've both finally given in to our kid's requests and have joined the social networking site Facebook -- we've actually been pretty amazed at the number of people we've made contact with through FB over the last week, and will try to keep our profiles and information updated. We've also cross-linked our Facebook pages to our blog, as you can see from the new additions to the left hand margin of our postings. I guess we'll try it for a while and see how it goes -- we've certainly been pleasantly surprised by the friends we've re-established contact with, and the other linkages we've established so far.
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