We had only been to horse races once before, years ago at Longacres Race Track in Seattle, so we knew nothing about the races or about betting on them. Undeterred, we waded in with our racing forms and began picking out the most promising horses and riders. At the end of the day, we'd only lost a little over $20, so we went up to the casino, and in our usual fashion, increased our losses a bit more.
All in all we had a great time with about 40 other Adventureland workampers -- and will now know better than to try it again soon. Horse races and fixed income just do not co-exist well together.
Mark and Terry discussing their bets Lined up at the window to put down their $$
They're off and running . . . . Our horse (#2) at the finish
We won!!! Collecting our winnings (first race only!)
Sue, Greg, Chuck and Vicky enjoying the lunch
In other news -- our son Brian and his wife Christy gave us the happy news this week that they're expecting their second baby! I guess we'll have to set up a secondary residence in Texas, as we'll be there in November for the birth of Kevin and Stephanie's daughter, and then back there in May of 09 for Brian and Christy's new one.
One last item -- Greg recently published a recap of the additions and improvements that we've made on our Phaeton on a new blog that he established for that purpose. If any readers are interested in what we've done to improve our motorhome in the year that we've had it, please use the link listed in the side column of this blog, or go directly to www.roadbound.spaces.live.com.
It's a bit long-winded and technical, but if you're curious, we'd love to have you take a look. Our plan is to update it periodically with other service and maintenance experiences with our Phaeton, as well as detail of any other customizations or additions to our "home on wheels".
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